
DTÖ pirinç ithalinde Türkiye’yi suçlu buldu

(1) Dünya Ticaret Örgütü, Türkiye’nin ABD’den pirinç ithaline kısıtlamalar koyarak uluslararası ticaret kurallarını ihlal ettiğine karar verdi.

NTV - Güncelleme: 13:55 TSİ 24 Eylül 2007 Pazartesi

İSTANBUL - Dünya Ticaret Örgütü’nden (DTÖ) yapılan açıklamada düşük tarifeyle Amerikan pirinci ithal edebilmek için iç piyasadan büyük miktarda pirinç alınması yönündeki uygulamanın ticaret kurallarına aykırı olduğu belirtildi. 2006 yılında Türkiye’yi örgüte şikayet eden ABD, uygulama nedeniyle pirinç ihracatının zarar gördüğünü dile getiriyordu. Ankara ise söz konusu uygulamanın artık yürürlükte olmadığı ve tekrar gündeme gelmeyeceği argümanını ortaya atmıştı. DTÖ ise bu açıklamayı not etmiş, ancak anlaşmalara aykırı bütün uygulamaların düzeltilmesi gerektiği görüşünü Ankara’ya iletmişti. DTÖ’nün kararını temyize götürmek için Ankara’nın 60 gün süresi var.

Kaynak: ntvmsnbc

(2) Söz konusu haberle ilgili WTO duyurusu

DS334: Turkey — Measures affecting the importation of rice

The DSB adopted the panel report (
WT/DS334/R). The US stated it was satisfied with the Panel's conclusions saying that Turkey acted inconsistently with its WTO obligations. The US qualified the Panel's analysis as sound and hoped Turkey would promptly bring its measures into compliance. However, the US made a comment on 2 systemic issues. The US said the Panel did not make any recommendation to Turkey on how to bring its measures into conformity with WTO rules. According to the US, the Panel was required to make this recommendation by the DSU (art. 19.1). Moreover, the US declared it was troubled by the Panel's new additions into the final report which were not contained in the interim report. The US said this was inconsistent with the procedure (art. 15 of DSU) as it did not allow the parties to review these changes before the final report was issued. Turkey said it was disappointed with the Panel's findings and did not share the Panel's conclusions. Turkey stated it was currently exploring what steps might be needed to comply with the Panel's conclusions and would come back on this issue at the DSB 's next meeting. Turkey welcomed the Panel's decision not to make any recommendations on how to bring its measures into conformity with WTO rules. Canada agreed with the US that the Panel should refrain from including changes in the final report that did not appear in the interim report. Canada added that parties should be given the opportunity to make comments on all drafts. Australia stated it was looking forward to Turkey's implementation measures as it has an interest in accessing Turkey's rice market.

Kaynak: http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news07_e/334r_e.htm

Dispute cases involving Turkey

Click on the dispute number to go to a page giving detailed information for that dispute:

as complainant: 2 cases: DS211, DS288

as respondent: 8 cases: DS29, DS34, DS43, DS47, DS208, DS237, DS256, DS334

as third party: 16 cases: DS32, DS33, DS174, DS189, DS248, DS249, DS251, DS252, DS253, DS254, DS258, DS259, DS260, DS290, DS294, DS295

(3) Gönüllü Sunuş Çağrısı:

Türkiye'nin ABD'den pirinç ithalatına getirdiği sınırlamayla ilgili WTO görüşmelerinin geçmişini http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news07_e/334r_e.htm adresindeki dökümanlardan inceleyerek, Aralık ayındaki derslerimizde özetlemeye gönüllü olarak hazır olan iki AÜSBF 3 İktisat sınıfı öğrencisinin ilk fırsatta benimle iletişim kurmasını rica ediyorum.